
- She/her
- Lesbian
- Lives in Guam
- Grew up close with Ian, still spends a lot of time at his house.

- He/him
- Straight
- Lives in Guam
- Dating Jamie long distance
- Grew up close with Rev
- Works in an office but runs a blog claiming to be a psychologist online

- She/they
- Chinese-American
- Not exclusively a lesbian, but she doesn’t mind if people assume
- Graduate student at UCSB
- Studying comparative religion and philosophy
- In an open long distance relationship with Ian
- Sleeping with a lot of girls at UCSB
My art:

Others' art:


- She/her
- Graduate student at UCSB
- Studying art
- From Tennessee, experiencing serious culture shock in California
- Nervously beginning to accept she’s into girls
- Jamie’s roommate

- She/her
- Graduate student at UCSB
- Studying philosophy
- Blind
- Very close to Danny

- Goes by Danny / Dan / Nick
- She/her
- Student at UCSB
- On a sports scholarship, also studying statistics
- Very close to Eleanor